女神再誕の儀・青獅子の学級 The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth (Blue Lions)
ディミトリ: いよいよ女神再誕の儀が始まる。俺たちも打ち合わせどおりに動こう。
Dimitri: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is finally here. Let's move ahead with our plan.
ドゥドゥー: は、お任せを。……先生も、問題はないな。
Dedue: Leave it to me. Professor, Are you in as well?
Choice 1: 問題ない Of course.
イングリット: ええ、しっかり狙いは絞れましたからね。務めを果たしてみせましょう!
Ingrid: We've narrowed down our objective...kind of. So, let's show everyone that we can carry out our duties better than anyone!
Choice 2: 自信はない I'm not sure about this.
メルセデス: あら~、先生は自信がないみたいね。それは困ったわ~。
Mercedes: Oh dear. Our professor seems to lack confidence in our plan. That is not very reassuring.
Choice 3: お腹が空いた I'm hungry.
アネット: えっ?あっ、後でこっそりお菓子をあげますから!
Annette: Umm... Oh! Well, I'll be sure to whip you up some tasty treats when this is all over!
ディミトリ: 先生、頼みにしているからな。さて、それじゃあ……
Dimitri: We're counting on you, Professor.
ディミトリ: いよいよ女神再誕の儀が始まる。……が、敵の狙いはいまいち掴めていない。
Dimitri: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is finally here. Yet we still don't know what the enemy is after...
I suppose all we can do is try to cope with whatever should occur as we're patrolling the monastery.
フェリクス: チッ……後手を踏むとろくなことはないぞ。
Felix: Heh. Nothing like being a step behind, eh?
アネット: あ、見回り中にお腹が空くかなと思ってお菓子を焼いてきたんです。
Annette: Oh! I thought we might get hungry during our patrol, so I baked up some yummy treats for us.
I may have messed them up though...just a bit.
ディミトリ: アネット……昨夜、厨房で爆発騒ぎがあったのは……
Dimitri: Annette... Don't tell me that explosion in the kitchen last night was―
セテス: 君たち、緊張感が足りないようだが?まもなく女神再誕の儀が行われるのだぞ。
Seteth: You seem a mite too relaxed for my liking. The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is about to begin.
While we are in the Goddess Tower, we are relying on you to secure the locations that are lacking in defense.
フレン: 先生、聞いてくださいます?お兄様ったら、酷いのです。
心配だからお前は棺の中にでも隠れていたらどうか、なんて仰いますのよ? ふふふ。
Flayn: May I let you in on something, Professor? My brother can be a bit...callous.
He told me that he was concerned about you, and hinted that perhaps you would be better off patrolling a coffin!
セテス: そ、それは冗談だと言っただろう、フレン。お前は私の後ろにずっといなさい。
Seteth: That was said in jest, Flayn. And in confidence. Please just remain by my side and do not cause any more trouble.
As a professor, you would do well to remember that it is your duty to guide your students down the path of righteousness.
フレン: 皆さん、失礼いたします。儀式の後でまたお会いしましょうね。
Flayn: Please excuse us, everyone. We shall see you again after the ceremony has concluded!
ドゥドゥー: 時間か。
Dedue: It's time.
ディミトリ: さあ、予定の場所に身を隠すぞ。聖廟への入り口を見張るんだ。
Dimitri: All right. Let's stick to the plan, and go hide where we can watch over the entrance to the Holy Mausoleum.
If anyone suspicious enters, we'll follow them in and take them down. Got it?
ディミトリ: 一応、俺のほうで幾つか気になる場所を洗い出しておいた。
Dimitri: OK. I've narrowed the possibilities down to just a few locations that seemed especially suspect.
Let's tackle them one by one. The second floor, the white tower, and deep underground, the Holy Mausoleum.